What is Amazonite?
Amazonite, the antianxiety stone of the gem world, is a blue green diamond with unimaginable velvety and dim components. The stone has various tones of green and blue that speak to a solid connection to the Amazon waterway.
The stone is known by numerous names including yellow emerald and the green amethyst, yet is regularly alluded to as the Amazonstone.
Amazonite Meaning

The diamond goes back to egyptian occasions where it was utilized as gems and as an image of riches and for its mending properties. These days, it is normally searched after for its extraordinary psyche mending properties. To such an extent, that it is now and then known as the stone of expectation.
Amazonite Associations
Amazonite doesn't have a place with the conventional or present day birth outlines, in any case, as a characteristic birthstone it is most appropriate for individuals conceived between March 20 and April nineteenth.
The affiliation is based on the turquoise shade of the stone. A few creators do relate Amazonite with Leo, Virgo, Scorpio and Aries. Be that as it may, in the event that you are attracted to the stone, it offers part of its advantages paying little mind to the zodiac.
The stone chakra originates from the heart and the throat. The greener the stone the more grounded the heart chakra. Similarly, the bluer assortment is said to have a more grounded throat segment. The planet related with amazonite is Uranus and its component is the Earth. Every one of these affiliations join to give the gemstone its psyche quieting benefits.
Amazonite Meaning, the True Story Behind the Gem
The staggering blue green gems have a long history. On account of its amazing magnificence and promising mending powers, the stone was esteemed all through the ages. From brazilians to egyptians to the individuals of Amazon, legends feature the noteworthy function of the stone in their lives.
They go back to the antiquated egyptians, when it was valued for its excellence just as its mending power. The stone is accepted to go back similarly as tenth century BC.
- Legends of the Egyptians - The Egyptians used to cut significant messages on the stone, utilized it for gems just as for its recuperating properties. Legends state that the egyptians cut the Ch. 7 of 'the book of dead' on an enormous stone of amazonite.
- Legends of Amazon - The stone was believed to be first found by the Amazon stream, subsequently the name. Tragically, no stores demonstrated the presence of the stone by the waterway. There were various different spots in Brazil, Colorado, Virginia, USA and Madagascar where the stone was found.
- Legends of Brazil - Legend says that warrior ladies from the Amazon clan in Brazil utilized the stone on their shields. They utilized it to recuperate wounds and fix different maladies also. Regularly, the brazillian individuals would give the valuable stone as blessing to their guests.
The Amazing Healing Properties and Benefits of Amazonite
Amazonite Healing Crystal
Dive into the cool shading of Amazonite gemstones. Flickering blue-green in its shades, Amazonite echoes with old stories, wilderness enchantment, and the broad progression of one of the world's most mysterious streams. Nicknamed The Hope Stone, Amazonite doesn't avoid putting a positive turn on life however doesn't dig in indiscriminately. It's a gemstone that approaches the soul of inward quality, amplified goal and a promise to utilizing that can-do demeanor to get what you need.
This heartfelt gemstone has for some time been utilized as a charm of truth and expectation. As the delicate fiery progression of its shading plan recommends, it originates from the thick green riverbanks of South America's rainforests, where monkeys scramble and parrots carry a blaze of intriguing shading to the trees. Amazonite can likewise be found on the vanilla-scented sands of Madagascar and the frigid profundities of Russia's tundra. It's a stone that is mined in the most remarkable of spots and maybe this adds to its magical and watery nature.
Amazonite has been around perpetually, and legend has it – this was the stone that lined the shields of the legendary Amazonian warrior princesses. The elegance and brilliance of Amazonite ranges hundreds of years, it was additionally the gemstone that embellished the sanctuaries and burial places of Tutankhamun and was utilized to make the tablets that shaped the tricky Book of the Dead.
However, even pretentious chronicled associations aside, solid mending properties and profound set associations with the heart chakra and the throat chakra mark out the Amazonite stone as being something uncommon. In the event that you fantasy about living further, remaining steadfast and glad in your genuine light and showing widespread love, deciding to utilize Amazonite could be perhaps the best choice you make.
The Healing Benefits of Amazonite
The Amazonite precious stone is an inquisitive and wonderful thing. Inundated with that brilliant shade of glowing green-blue, it's no big surprise this stone is associated with the components of earth and water. Controlled by Virgo and bringing a lovely fly of shading as well as brilliant recuperating properties, there are unlimited advantages to bringing an Amazonite gemstone into your life, your closet and your home
Physical Healing Properties
While precious stone mending is an astonishing method to help your enthusiastic and profound prosperity, Amazonite likewise brings a scope of physical recuperating advantages to the table. The relaxed vibes of Amazonite can assist with offsetting thyroid issues. For the individuals who battle with a calcium lack, Amazonite can adequately assist the body with retaining calcium better, taking a portion of fantastic essentialness back to your bones. Alongside boosting bone wellbeing, higher calcium levels can likewise enable the hair to become sparkling and solid.
Amazonite is likewise uncommon at helping cells to recover and can give the ideal jolt of energy, particularly after a sickness, injury or plunge in physical wellbeing. Scouring the cooling contact of Amazonite over a rash can likewise help keep it clear and mitigated and the individuals who battle with skin conditions and even skin break out may find that Amazonite assists with bringing back a flush of clear and dynamic wellbeing.
Mental and Emotional Healing Properties
On the off chance that you discover your monkey mind now and again acts like broke glass with divided contemplations going here, there and all over, at that point Amazonite can be the most astonishing gemstone for weaving together every one of those frayed passionate strings. Alleviating restless demeanors and foolish considerations is the thing that Amazonite does best.
It's likewise a splendid gemstone to have close by when you have to pull your confidence up by the bootstraps. Associated with the ladylike, the Amazonite precious stone works legitimately against propensities for self-disregard, welcoming you to consistently put yourself first.
For the individuals who battle with past injury, Amazonite can likewise carry its mending vitality to assist you with venturing forward. By helping the brain sift through pressure and tension and figuring out how to relinquish what isn't serving us any more, it assists with fixing up old injuries and cause things to appear to be significantly more reasonable by separating large issues into reduced down edible pieces.
All the excellent passionate words that connect with Amazonite are there to be applied first to oneself. Genuineness, love, trustworthiness, uprightness, persuasiveness and lucidity – one we can apply these lavish names to how we interface with ourselves, we are set in an astonishing space to show our way of enchantment on the planet.
Amazonite is additionally associated with the heart chakra, the spot that streams with light and clears a path for adoration to be given and gotten. At the point when the heart chakra is impeded it tends to be a battle to confide in anybody and to free yourself up to allow in the consideration that the world needs to give, which can have a thump on impact for your own feeling of self-esteem and cause damaging examples to show up consistently.
Amazonite is an astonishing device for scattering all that developed negative vitality from your reality. Regardless of whether its unforgiving words you hold for yourself, out of line conclusions, physical reactions from EMF's, or harmful mentalities from others, this is a gemstone that will absorb that all and scatter of it such that leaves you clear-looked at and emphatically disapproved.
Spiritual Healing Properties
Being a throat chakra stone, Amazonite additionally welcomes you to try out completely clear correspondence and to work on setting up flawlessly sound limits. It welcomes you to move out from the dread of the shadow of judgment and to venture into the light. Whatever desires others place upon you are not even close as significant as reality of your own heart.
By taking advantage of both mind and instinct, Amazonite can carry better lucidity and legitimacy to the spirit. At the point when we become agreeable in our skin and associated with our most genuine selves, this welcomes us to take an otherworldly jump and to open our psyches and hearts to interminable chance.
Amazonite as a Zodiac Birthstone
As a birthstone, Amazonite is controlled by Uranus and connected to Virgo. The individuals who have Virgo as their star sign are usually dedicated, dependable, patient and kind yet can will in general be a little on the timid side and veer into overthinking everything they might do - which thus can prompt layers of self-question that should be sloughed away.
Virgo's are known for having an unforgiving internal adjudicator and keeping in mind that they carry their delicate touch to their associations with others, they are without a doubt the cause all their own problems and think that its dubious to satisfy those unimaginable principles. Being a stone that energizes generosity and seedling development of confidence, Amazonite assists with drawing out that genuinely necessary equalization.
The Most Effective Method to Utilize the Amazonite Stone
Bring a greater amount of that earth and water component into your life by clearing a path for Amazonite to stream. For those looking for a little assistance in building their delicate nature or a heavenly nurturer of self esteem and correspondence, there are huge amounts of ways you can welcome the blue-green precious stone into your reality.
Regardless of whether through wonderful Amazonite gems squeezed against the skin or a solitary stone put in an uncommon space, here are largely the manners in which you can utilize your recuperating gems to do great in your inward world…
Amazonite adornments is just about as ravishing as it gets. Regardless of whether the silver and green blaze of an Amazonite ring or the basic twirl of an Amazonite wristband upon the wrist, the green stones are incredibly flexible and hold notes of Mother Nature's best characteristics – from sea to natural land.
Amazonite adornments is a delight to view and the shading plan goes with pretty much anything. Not exclusively is Amazonite adornments beautiful and perky with its ladylike energies, however when put straightforwardly onto the skin (like in a pendant, ring or wristband), its capacity turns into even more strong.
Gemstone arm bands are an extraordinary decision for those looking for a straightforward, unobtrusive and staggering approach to make their body an adjust to passionate wellbeing consistently. Dissimilar to different types of gem mending (raised area building and contemplation), you can absorb those recuperating powers each second when you welcome direct skin contact with your valuable stones.
Different stones and valuable jewels that agree with Amazonite can incorporate; the mysterious charm of Lapis Lazuli, the high vibrations of Labradorite, the lighting up way gave by otherworldly Moonstone, and the ocean sprinkle of Aquamarine. Truth be told, this sea splendid gem works overly well with different superb light green and blue stones that welcome predictable best of luck without settling for the status quo.
The Most Effective Method to Care for your Amazonite
Keeping your Amazonite gem purified guarantees that it keeps on loaning you the clearness you have to live in your fullest truth. As it does some amazing things when absorbing poisonous vibes, you would prefer not to leave it damaged by all that distraught vitality it clears up en route. Guaranteeing you keep your stone scrubbed particularly after especially troublesome periods can keep your gem overflowing affection and ever in the positive stream.
Everything necessary to clear and purge your precious stone and to keep it ticking is to run it under tepid water for a couple of seconds and afterward wipe it off tenderly. Being a water component implies that it doesn't expect a lot to make it swell clear once more. Alongside keeping it clear, you may likewise need to charge it to support its intensity.
Amazonite responds incredibly to the warm kiss of the sun, so next time you feel those brilliant beams upon your face, essentially pop your Amazonite gems or stone in an inclination of daylight and let nature accomplish its work. Be that as it may, know not to leave it sitting excessively long in the sun. While it adores that mid year brilliant vitality, an excess of time in the sun or rapidly changing the temperature of the stone can have a thump on impact for that flashing blue-green shading.
Amazonite Uses and Metaphysical Properties
- Astonishing Benefits Of Amazonite Stone
- Strengthens the body.
- Especially the heart, muscles and sensory system are connected.
- It quiets the sensory system, disseminates the negative vitality.
- It eases pressure or eliminates it.
- It enables individuals to communicate.
- It assists with offering significance to the life of the individual.
- The vitality is useful for the individuals who are wiped out at the lethal level.
- It permits imaginative musings to rise, expanding your capacity to communicate accurately and straightforwardly.
- Mental quality and comprehension improve hold quality.
- It fortifies your aptitudes and enables you to cooperate with others.
Amazonite at Home
Amazonite is an extremely defensive gemstone which will watch you from the electromagnetic floods of radiation that overrun the cutting edge world. It is incredible yet delicate enough to be worn ordinarily with no evil impacts.
Gemstones vibrate at various frequencies and we as a whole respond to every one in our own specific manner so individuals will feel their impact in their own one of a kind way. Now and again gemstones can take becoming accustomed to or be excessively incredible however I would be astounded if Amazon had that impact.
Amazonite at Work
Amazonite is an incredible vitality channel, on the off chance that you work with PCs, advanced mobile phones, x-beam hardware, microwaves, close to a wifi switch or practically any apparatus nowadays, at that point one of these gemstones will help scrub you of their electromagnetic contamination.
Certain recuperating stones contain press and can be attractive so ought not be kept close to your PCs yet Amazonite is totally alright for your gadgets and will help shield you from their destructive impact.
Reflection with Amazonite
Amazonite is mitigating and delicate yet additionally engaging so can positively be utilized as a guide and guide while thinking. I like to hold an Amazonite in the palm of my hand and imagine its cool green shading as I focus on my objectives and wishes.
Individuals and Relationship
Amazonite is known as the Stone of Abundance and not without reason. In a reasonable manner, Amazonite will assist you with increasing money related accomplishment by impacting dynamic, giving you clear contemplations and subduing feelings when settling on extreme business decisions. Also it will repress motivation buys which can prompt a huge number of cash stresses.
Amazonite as a Gift
Your affection for precious stones can be a distinct advantage with regards to pulling in somebody exceptional, building fellowships, or mending family breaks. Precious stones are said to assist you with finding and continue love, and make positive impact at home and work.
Amazonite and Chakras
Chakras are the vitality places in your body otherwise called Qi or Prana. There are seven Chakras all through the body each affecting a specific physical, passionate or mental state. Each point has a related shading and regularly a gemstone which is prevalently that shading will have the most impact on that specific Chakra.
Amazonite most influences the Heart and Throat chakras on the grounds that the gemstones are typically blue or green. Its persuasions incorporate correspondence, expert articulation, genuineness and truth while likewise blending sentiments of affection, connections and self-acknowledgment
Rose Quartz Heart Chakra
Rose Quartz is viewed as the stone of unequivocal Love. It moves you to look for youth, harmony, magnificence, workmanship, music, composed word and above all adoration. Maybe you have been feeling down, frustrated, stressed, or somewhat pessimistic. A seed planted in terrible soil won't develop, and our own seeds of affection will wither in the event that we plant them in soil that comes up short on the supplements of self esteem and confidence.
Clear Quartz Crown Chakra
Clear Quartz is pulled in into one's life to encourage that specific individual's development of mindfulness. By picking this stone you are unknowingly searching for a reference point of light that will assist with appearing and guide your direction. Take a gander at things from another and positive point of view, liberated from judgment. Figure out how to live with affection and make harmony in the things you state and do.
Heart and Throat Chakra
Amazonite is a splendid stone for the individuals who are hoping to fix or touch off a current relationship. Its calming jade shading reverberates with the Heart Chakra and adjust passionate vitality.
By placing this stone in the space where you unwind or contemplate, it will assist with managing upsetting or clashing feelings. Amazonite contains a ground-breaking vitality that will assist you with abstaining from disguising the negative temperaments of others. It welcomes you to get to truth and communicate with harmony and love – a delicate mitigating stone, it reduces dread, helping you to see the two sides of the issue.
Will Amazonite unblock Chakras?
In the event that you place an Amazonite gemstone over your heart or in the empty of your neck at that point rests in a loosening up spot, it can rapidly unblock or realign the Heart or Throat Chakras.
There are a couple of indications that your Heart Chakra is obstructed. Sentiments of desire, possessiveness, clutching feelings of resentment, being excessively critical, feeling disliked and dread of responsibility uncover an uneven Heart Chakra..
Truly, having an irritated throat, a throb in the jaw or neck, migraines at the rear of the head can likewise be indications of a hindered Throat Chakra.
Amazonite Beauty Products
Amazonite is utilized for lucidity, stress discharge, passionate equalization, self assurance A crisp, elevating mix of spearmint and orange basic oils supplements the properties of this lovely Amazonite stone with sumptuous reasonable exchange shea and cacao margarines, this bar is an outright treat for the skin!

Green Amazonite
Renowned for its greenish tint, amazonite is a gemstone that has been utilized in gems for a great many years. Also, with more individuals turning towards delightful and exceptional gemstone gems, amazonite is expanding in prominence.
Amazonite is moderate, sturdy and exceptionally appealing – three qualities that make it an ideal expansion to any gems assortment.
A Few Advantages of this Harmonious Mix
- Balances the Yin and Yang energies
- Dissolves trouble, stress and stress
- Attracts favorable luck and bounty
- Offers assurance from wireless and electromagnetic toxins
- Aids injury, osteoporosis, weak hair and nails
- Balances boundaries of states of mind
- Aids thyroid objections, calcium insufficiencies and tooth rot
Amazonite Intimate Accessories
Amazonite isn't known to be dealt with or improved implying that the gemstones you see available are characteristic. There are manufactured, modest forms of the stone utilized in cheap ensemble gems so it is ideal to check with your retailer in regards to the source of the gemstone. By and large, the very low costs of impersonation amazonite is a giveaway that the stone isn't true.
Amazonite Shapes and Forms
Amazonite bunches
The absolute most well known amazonite examples are from Teller County, Colorado, where amazonite precious stones are frequently joined by enormous kaleidoscopic gems of smoky quartz. Enormous imaginative examples frequently sell for a huge number of dollars, yet you can buy little alluring examples at more moderate costs.
Amazonite frequently happens with other intriguing minerals, for example, albite feldspar, cleavelandite, quartz, and schorl tourmaline. A few gatherers have some expertise in gathering examples of amazonite with its related minerals.
Amazonite focuses
At the point when we consider Amazons we consider two things, we consider thick solid and delectable backwoods and solid and influential ladies that are kicking ass and takin' names. Amazonite lets you grasp your warrior goddess by supporting individual advancement and empowers assuming responsibility for your own predetermination. It helps instinct and places the feelings into amicability. So put on your fight reinforcement and act them all whose chief.
Crude Amazonite
The greater part of us have wanted that we had a superior channel for our words sooner or later in our lives. Crude Amazonite can help mistakes by controlling you to talk your reality with empathy and comprehension. Mixing you with positive vitality, amazonite purges your heart chakra of cynicism, so love can have its spot. mindfulness that amazonite loans, will empower you to all the more likely understand how what you state can be deciphered by others.
That is likewise the explanation that amazonite mending properties are suggested for specialists. Connecting with your inward truth is advantageous for specialists attempting to get through innovative squares. Crude amazonite alleviates away the disappointment, enthusiastic injury, disturbance and outrage that prompts and drags out inventive squares.
Amazonite Geodes
Delightful hand cut Crystal Skull design cut from Amazonite mineral stone mined from Pakistan. On the left eye of the skull, there is a characteristic opening shaped during arrangement of the Amazonite mineral, making it exceptional to have a gap at the eye, and by and large doesn't influence a significant part of the whole skull and still look lovely because of the stone's different hues with rich blue and orange.
Amazonite is a salt feldspar mineral, a potassium aluminum silicate with a hardness of 6 to 6.5. Its shading is blue-green or green and its name is gotten from the Amazon River in Brazil where Amazonite stores can be found. Different nations where Amazonite are found incorporate Madagascar, Pakistan, India and Colorado. Amazonite adornments was delivered up to 4 thousand years prior in Egypt and India. Amazonite was additionally a famous talisman stone in old Egypt.
Amazonite Sphere (India and Madagascar)
Amazonite calls to us like the Mother Ocean herself offering a rush of quietness that relieves the anxious soul. Amazonite has the powerful nature of bringing our feelings, especially ruinous considerations or antagonism, back into balance remaining quiet about the conveyor valid. It's a phenomenal decision when you need to "walk your discussion"; and look after respectability. Also, picking it in a heart shape just bodes well!
Amazonite Costs
At whatever point we value shaded gemstones the main this to take a gander at is the shading! It is the same with amazonite, pleasant brilliant blues, greens or greenish-blues with any streaks as pale a white as conceivable are the most searched after gemstones.
In spite of the fact that it is actually clear, amazonite has all the earmarks of being dark much of the time so will almost consistently be cut as a cabochon and not faceted. A pleasant even slice to flaunt the shading and splendor is best with an exquisite sparkle and clean.
What Structures a Cost
Amazonite is the green to turquoise type of the mineral microcline albeit extremely sharp venders of this diamond may incorporate grayish or dim stones with a trace of green as amazonite. The shading is brought about by minute measures of lead present during development in spite of the fact that this is a state of conflict among researchers.
Gemstones are commonly depicted as straightforward, clear or misty. In the event that light enters and leaves the outside of a gemstone moderately continuous, at that point we would depict the gemstone as straightforward. In the event that the light enters the outside of the gemstone and can leave the gemstone yet is marginally or fundamentally twisted then we would call it clear. On the off chance that light can't enter the outside of the gemstone, at that point we would portray it as obscure. In fact this is diaphaneity.
Amazonite gives off an impression of being a hazy gemstone so is normally sliced as a cabochon to flaunt its waxy and cleaned radiance to its best. Occasionally it is has a rose sliced to improve the showcase of shading and sparkle. The cabochon can likewise be in huge intriguing structures to flaunt the shading or example.
It is in truth a mineral called microcline which arrives in a couple of various hues from white through pink and yellow to green and blue. The green/blue structure is the most searched after and was renamed Amazonite to sound somewhat more fascinating. Different names incorporate Pikes Peak Jade and Colorado Jade however they are all amazonite.
Amazonite is a kind of feldspar which is a mineral which makes up a full 50% of the world's outside! Different sorts of feldspar incorporate moonstone, sunstone and labradorite which are additionally notable gemstones.
Fascinating Facts About Amazonite
Amazonite isn't an authority birthstone or a wedding commemoration gemstone anyway it is prized as a birthstone for those brought into the world under the Virgo mysterious sign. In an archeological delve embraced in southern Jordan more that 2000 pieces of amazonite gems were found going back to neo-lithic occasions (stone-age man) maybe 10,000 years prior! Legend has it that the Amazonians, a clan of savage warrior ladies enlivened their fight gear with this gemstone.
Amazonite is an uncommon assortment of the most widely recognized mineral in the world's covering, feldspar.The seventh part of the Book of the Dead which guided old Egyptians through death and into the great beyond was engraved on Amazonite.
Amazonite Origin
These days amazonite is generally to be found in China and Mongolia in East Asia, in the Ural Mountains of Russia, southern and eastern Africa, Brazil (however not in the Amazon district!) and in Colorado and Virginia in the United States.
The USA has uncommonly fine dark blue and green stores in Pikes Peak, Devils Head, Lake George and Florissant in Colorado. All amazonite mined from this zone is designated "Pikes Peak Amazonite", as all the material from this zone is practically indistinguishable. Dark green amazonite has been found in the Kola Peninsula, Russia and the acclaimed mines of Minas Gerais, Brazil just as Mogok in Burma or Myanmar and Sidamo-Borana Province in Ethiopia.
The Most Effective Method to Care for Amazonite
At 6 in hardness amazonite are generally delicate for a jewel yet solid enough to endure the odd knock or thump on a hard surface anyway you ought to consistently take care to stay away from such maltreatment. That is the reason it is constantly prescribed to eliminate adornments before physical exercises, particularly family unit cleaning, sports or planting.
While putting away your amazonite care ought to be removed to keep them from any harder materials which may scratch, chip or break them. Keep them in singular fabric packs or boxes for additional security.
Cautious: ultrasonic cleaners can not just purpose and compound cracks in gemstones, they can extricate gems and cause pearls to drop out of their settings. Steam cleaners ought not be utilized to clean amazonite on the grounds that the shading can blur in high temperatures. Clean your amazonite utilizing a delicate material and just gentle cleanser or cleanser if necessary and never use fade or unforgiving synthetic substances.
Instructions to Cleanse Amazonite
Most importantly, Amazonite has a glassy brilliance, that is, it ought to be smooth and practically waxy, gleaming and splendid. Second is shading. Amazonite is the blue to green rendition of microcline so it should fall into this shading classification, whatever else ought to be seen with doubt. Amazonite is definitely not a hard gemstone however it is hard enough not be scratched by your fingernail or a copper penny so that could be a fast test for your example. Glass or a penknife is excessively close in hardness to amazonite so won't be a sure check of realness.
Instructions to Program Amazonite
In the wake of purging your stones. on the off chance that you wish to utilize your stones for a particular reason, past their overall qualities, you should program them. Expectation and center are key when programming gems for specific assignment, for example, mending, insurance, as well as actuation of chakras, among others.
Goal is in your program, however it, joined with center, is likewise how you place your program into your precious stone. You likewise need center while making the program for your gem.
A Final Thought on the Amazonite Stone
No big surprise this gem is inseparable from the Amazonite warriors and the buried fortunes of the wilderness; there's something similarly wild and delicately relieving about the stone. It's about equalization and duality in nature which impeccably coordinates the temperament of showing enchantment and vitality and holding what the universe gives you at any rate.
To break those examples of self-damage and to venture up your self esteem game, now and then we as a whole need some additional help and this is the place Amazonite can be a commendable ornament. Envision a daily existence flooding with adoration and trust and the simplicity of which you can lighten troubles and stresses without letting them stall out.
Maybe its chance to wave goodbye to each one of those negative vibes that can canine your progression and rather express yes to regarding yourself and living in the light of complete genuineness, trust and open correspondence. Be your own warrior with this brilliant stone.
Where to purchase Amazonite?
Online stores
Blue, Green, Light Blue
Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra