Best Crystals for Grief

Best Crystals for Grief

Grief is an emotional response that many people experience. If you are dealing with Grief, then the best Crystals for Grief can help. Over the course of thousands of years, crystals have been used by humans to provide comfort and healing. When someone experiences grief, they may feel a sense of emptiness and sadness. The crystals for Grief can be a life-saver when you are going through a difficult time. From the dawn of history, they have been used as charms, amulets, and holy items. 

There are many crystals that can be effective in helping to deal with Grief, but here we will focus on the 10 Best Crystals for Grief. We also guide how to use these crystals and their benefits. These stones will aid you in dealing with the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues linked to grief and loss.

Major Stages of Grief

When it comes to dealing with grief, there are many stages that you need to go through. While everyone goes through grief in different ways, there are some common stages of bereavement and loss. These stages could last a few days, weeks, or even months.

Denial and Isolation

The first stage of grieving includes feelings such as denial, shock, disbelief, and numbness. Many people isolate themselves from friends and family when they are going through this stage. The purpose of this practice is to avoid the discomfort of a fresh wound. This stage can be temporary for some people while others get stuck here on a more permanent basis.


The second stage is usually anger - you feel frustrated, helpless, and even angry at yourself or others for your new state in life. Your feelings may be manifesting themselves as irritability, anxiety, and restlessness. Sometimes, this can cause physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and muscle aches. Healthy anger helps us let go, but unhealthy rage holds onto negative emotions keeping us locked inside our past experiences.


The third stage is bargaining, in which you feel like you are stuck in limbo while trying to convince yourself that death hasn't happened yet. This stage is all about bargaining with a higher power and subconsciously asking for the pain of grief to go away. Bargaining is another attempt to regain control over your life. But this stage does not provide any long-term relief from the suffering you experience, so it should be avoided to the maximum extent possible.


The fourth stage of grief is depression which normally means deep sadness and longing for what was lost. You may also feel guilt, hopelessness, and despair. Depression is a very common stage when you have gone through many types of loss in your life, such as losing a loved one or going through major depression after childbirth.


The fifth stage, which is known as anguish, can be experienced in different ways by everyone. It's where you are overwhelmed by feelings of panic, confusion, and distress. It is beneficial to repeat this process after experiencing a recent loss.

Rose Quartz 

  • Color: Pink 
  • Chakra: Heart
  • Origin: USA, Japan, India, Brazil

Rose Quartz is a powerful stone for dealing with grief and loss. Since ancient times, it has been used to help heal broken hearts and ease guilt and shame from past experiences. It is also providing comfort in the aftermath of an emotional crisis. Rose quartz carries gentle energy that can provide love, forgiveness, and tolerance when going through a difficult time.

Rose Quartz is a great stone for those who others have hurt and those who are too hard on themselves. It can be placed under your pillow to aid sleep and alleviate nightmares connected to past experiences or traumas. Rose Quartz is also popular among those who suffer from feelings of isolation or loneliness. In difficult circumstances, it can facilitate self-esteem, acceptance, and appreciation.

Rose quartz can be used to enhance beauty, calm emotions, and open the heart. It also helps you believe in yourself by enhancing your intuition which will help you through difficult times. This crystal makes your feelings compassionate and calm so that you can deal with the loss and move forward into a new future.


  • Color: Orange / Red
  • Chakra: Root & Sacral Chakras
  • Origin: Brazil, Uruguay, India, and Madagascar 

Carnelian stone is another good option for grief that is famous for balancing big energy. It is a bright orange variety of chalcedony quartz that ranges in hue from pale yellow to deep red. It has long been associated with fire and blood, which makes it an excellent stone for releasing anger and frustration related to grief. Carnelians belong to the same family as tigers eye so they can help you align yourself with your personal power, courage, and strength during difficult times such as losing someone or something close.

Carnelian is a stone of motivation and endurance that can help you regain your strength after going through difficult times. It will assist in dissipating feelings of fear or anxiety related to grief by bringing courage, determination, and willpower into the forefront. Carnelians are also good for those who have experienced loss as they provide reassurance that everything happens for a reason, even though it may not always be clear at first.

This crystal stimulates positivity from within, making you feel optimistic about life which helps with moving forward. They also encourage you not to become overwhelmed by negative emotions even if life throws many challenges at you. This crystal will empower you to take charge of any situation rather than giving up.


  • Color: Purple
  • Chakra: Crown Chakra
  • Origin: Brazil, Uruguay, Madagascar, and Zambia 

Amethyst is an excellent gemstone for those who are experiencing anxiety or stress during a time of loss. Since ancient times, it has been a sign of royalty. Amethysts have also been highly prized by spiritual seekers throughout history because they help us access our intuition, making them beneficial stones for enhancing psychic abilities during difficult times. This stone can assist with purifying your thoughts which helps release stress associated with grief that may prevent you from moving forward into the future.

Amethyst is a great stone for promoting peace, patience, and comfort during times of loss. It will help you remain calm even in the most difficult situations, which helps keep stress levels low and anxiety at bay. This gemstone can also ease tension headaches associated with grief by calming your emotions and removing any negative energy around you. This crystal can absorb any negative energy you may be holding onto, which helps the anxiety and stress leave your body.

Amethyst can be used as a meditation stone or placed on the third eye chakra during your daily activities, which will help with overcoming feelings of isolation and loneliness associated with grief. It has also been known for its ability to regulate blood pressure and treat insomnia-related stress, so it is an excellent choice for those struggling to sleep at night due to loss. This crystal will encourage good health by helping you let go of unhealthy habits such as smoking or drinking too much alcohol that prevent healing in difficult times.

Pink Opal

  • Color: Pink
  • Chakra: Heart Chakra
  • Origin: Mexico, Brazil, and Australia 

Pink opal is a powerful gemstone for grief that helps release self-imposed limitations or restrictions on your life. This stone can help you move forward by increasing confidence in yourself, which will motivate you to face future challenges with an open mind. It has been known as one of the most spiritual healing stones due to its ability to connect us back to nature through strengthening our intuition.

This crystal helps overcome difficult times by encouraging compassion towards others while also stimulating feelings of love within yourself. It will help you to overcome grief by restoring a sense of hope and optimism towards the future, which can be difficult during tough times.

Pink opal is a great stone for helping you to let go of the past and move forward into your future with strength, courage, and acceptance. It will purify negative emotions such as anger or resentment that may prevent healing from occurring after loss. This crystal can help remind us not to take anything in life personally, which helps release any excessive stress we hold. This stone is great for those going through loss as it inspires loving relationships in your life.

Black Onyx

  • Color: Black, Brown, and Grey
  • Chakra: Root Chakra & Throat Chakra
  • Origin: Brazil, Uruguay, and India 

Black Onyx is a stone for sorrow that helps us release the past and go forward in life. Since ancient times, it has been considered a symbol of permanence because it protects against negative energy, which helps when going through grief. This crystal will empower you with courage during difficult times by giving you closure from your loss while protecting you from any negativity around you. It is beneficial for overcoming depression after loss related to divorce or death.

Black Onyx is used to help release any negative emotions such as anger or resentment, which can prevent healing from occurring after loss. It can absorb all types of negativity, whether it be emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual allowing us to let go and move forward into our future with strength and courage.

Grief affects many people, and it can make us feel bad about ourselves. After someone dies or we divorce, we may feel like there is no one else to rely on. The Black Onyx helps us think of ourselves as good and do things that will make us feel better. This stone has been known for its ability to stimulate the root chakra while also stimulating the throat chakra, increasing your psychic abilities during times of strife.


  • Color: Pink to Brownish-red with Black Veins
  • Chakra: Heart Chakra & Root Chakra
  • Origin: South Africa, Madagascar, and Mexico 

Rhodonite is another stone for grief used to help overcome feelings of stress, anxiety, or depression. It has been known as the stone of unconditional love, which will help you let go of any anger or resentment. It assists us during difficult times by helping us feel understood, which will improve our self-esteem and boost feelings of hope towards the future. This crystal has been known as a lucky gemstone due to its ability to help increase our luck. It is beneficial when going through loss or unfortunate circumstances such as bankruptcy from divorce or death-related expenses.

Rhodonite is used to prevent depression after a loss, especially for those who have trouble getting out of bed due to lack of motivation. This stone is beneficial for overcoming grief by restoring hope and optimism towards the future, which can be difficult during tough times. It has been known as a great stone to wear when going through loss due to its ability to balance emotions while also stimulating feelings of self-worth and compassion. Rhodonite helps with eliminating anger or resentment that may prevent healing from occurring after loss.

Rhodonite will purify negative emotions such as anger or resentment, preventing healing from occurring after loss related to divorce or death in relationships such as a spouse, friend, etc. This crystal has been known as a symbol of love and friendship; it can help inspire loving relationships in your life after loss that affect these areas such as death or divorce.


  • Color: Metallic Grey
  • Chakra: Root Chakra, Solar Plexus & Crown Chakras
  • Origin: Spain and China 

Pyrite is a stone for grief that stimulates self-confidence while letting go of any anger or resentment towards your loss. Pyrites ability to transform negative energy will help balance our emotional body allowing us to feel content with ourselves and others. This crystal helps overcome depression after loss due to its positive outlook on life. It also enhances feelings of hope, making room for new possibilities in the near future.

It can be beneficial when going through grief by helping you see the positive side of any situation, whether it be divorce or death-related, which will help bring closure. Pyrite allows us to focus on solutions during difficult times rather than dwelling on problems preventing an overload caused by stress leading to burnout. Furthermore, this crystal will help you see the bigger picture by connecting with your spiritual side allowing room for healing.

Pyrite is known as a stone of good luck because it can attract positive energy while repelling negative influences that may prevent recovery after loss. It has been known to be worn during times of strife to make difficult decisions; it can also be beneficial when going through grief. It has been known as the stone of unconditional love, which will help you let go of any anger or resentment.


  • Color: White with Gray or Blue Veins
  • Chakra: Crown & Third Eye Chakras
  • Origin: India, Madagascar, and Australia 

Moonstone is used to overcome grief by helping with acceptance of your loss. It connects with the energy of dreams allowing us to face our fears and come up on top. Furthermore, you can also feel the high vibration of this stone when you are in trouble. It helps you see things clearly while learning from past mistakes, allowing you to grow in unexpected ways. Moonstones ability to help balance our emotional body makes it beneficial for overcoming grief.

Moonstones ability to stimulate our imagination brings new hope or possibilities, which can be beneficial during tough times. It will help you see the bigger picture, making room for growth and healing after loss related to divorce, death, etc. Moonstone is known as a stone of love because it has an affinity for emotions that helps us to accept any anger towards our losses and connect with our dreams. Moonstone will also help you see any lessons from your loss while bringing a sense of hope and optimism for the future.

It increases intuitive awareness while stimulating the mind improving your imagination, making room for new possibilities in the near future. This crystal is a symbol of love helping us let go of anger or resentment towards loss. It is a stone of inspiration that will help you see the silver lining in all situations, including loss due to its calming energy.


  • Color: Lavender or purple
  • Chakra: Crown & Heart Chakras
  • Origin: Brazil, USA, and Russia 

Lepidolite is a famous gemstone for grief and loss that brings a sense of calmness to any situation. It also enhances feelings of hope and optimism while preventing overthinking during tough times. This stone can help overcome grief through its ability to balance our emotional body in times of trouble. Lepidolite promotes a sense of calm and clarity, allowing you to see the silver lining during difficult periods.

Lepidolites calming effect can be beneficial when going through grief by helping us let go of any anger or resentment towards loss and preventing overthinking, which could lead to burnout. It has been known to bring joy, serenity, and contentment, allowing room for growth and healing after loss due to divorce or death-related circumstances.

Lepidolite is a stone of transformation that brings about new possibilities from past mistakes creating solutions rather than dwelling on problems. It stimulates our imagination, allowing us to focus on solutions rather than problems. This stone is known as a symbol of love helping us let go of any anger or resentment towards loss due to its calming energy.

Smoky Quartz

  • Color: Black, Gray or Brown
  • Chakra: Root & Solar Plexus Chakras
  • Origin: Brazil, Madagascar, and Italy 

Smoky quartz is beneficial for overcoming grief due to its ability to balance our emotional bodies. It will assist you in releasing any anger toward your loss while also engaging with the energy of dreams. Smoky quartz will help you see any lessons from your loss and bring a sense of hope and optimism for the future. The stone is referred to as a symbol of love due to its ability to promote spiritual transformation through grief.

Smoky quartz is a famous gemstone that clarifies any situation, which can be beneficial during tough times related to grief or divorce, death, etc. This stone enhances intuition improving self-awareness, giving us more insight into ourselves, especially when dealing with emotions. The grounding properties of this stone will come in handy during tough times by keeping us from feeling overwhelmed or distracted.

Smoky quartz helps overcome grief through its calming properties, offering a sense of peace and clarity. It is also used as a depression aid because of its ability to help us see the bigger picture for growth and healing after loss. Smoky quartz is honored as one of the most common gemstones that help balance out our emotions when going through grief.

How to Use These Healing Crystals for Grief

There are many ways you can use these crystals to help with overcoming grief during tough times. But here, we will focus on the most common ways to use these stones.

  • The first is through meditation or reflection with your crystals in hand by holding them close while taking deep breaths. Allow yourself time for emotional release if necessary. Don't be afraid of tears during this process as they can bring great healing when permitted to flow freely.
  • Another way you could use these stones is by placing them at the four corners of your bed before going to sleep. This will help you find a sense of peace and reduce the fear of nightmares caused by grief after the loss of a loved one due to divorce, death, etc.
  • Wear some of these stones around your neck on a necklace for added benefit while going through grief. It will help you carry the stone with you wherever you go allowing their energy to be felt throughout the day, especially when we may not have time for meditation or reflection during difficult times in our lives.

Final Thought

Remember, crystals are just tools; they cannot do anything without engaging ourselves with their energy first! We must take responsibility when using any tool or aid by giving our consent and cooperation before moving forward towards growth and healing after tough circumstances. We hope these crystals help you during your journey of growth and healing after grief.

About Author
My name is Ana Crystal and I’ve been a crystal enthusiast for as long as a I remember myself.

My passion started when I was a kid and grew into a full time thing. I’m currently writing a book on crystals, running a non-profit initiative to help ethical sourcing of crystals and helping out local miner communities.

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