Mystery Crystal Box

Receive $50-100 in healing crystals every month 

support our non-profit initiative of ethical mining and get carefully curated box delivered to your door

Choose a Box

The Most Impactful
Crystal Purchase. Ever.

100% of our profits goes into supporting mining communities and ethical sourcing initiatives. You read it right - not 1%, not 2%.
All the money that we make is making real impact.

How It Works


We are an IRS-approved 501(c)3 non-profit organization as of 2020. All your donations are tax deductible, same as donations to Goodwill, Salvation Army and other non-profits

Set Preferences

You are able to indicate your birthday, color preferences and intentions for your crystals and we can personalize your box based on this information

Receive crystals

Your box will ship on the 1st of the month. Please order by last day of the month to receive the box for next month (order by January 31st to receive box that ships February 6th)

About Us

My name is Ana and my interest in crystals started growing back in my childhood but it was only a couple of years ago that my husband and I went on a trip to dig some raw topaz crystals and realized this is going to be our passion. Since then we hunted for rubies of California, topaz of Utah and other crystals all over the planet, as a result became interested in sourcing them for our customers to enjoy.

Pick Your Box

Beginner Box

$19.99 / month

$15.99 / month (20% OFF)

1 raw crystal (rough cluster, rough chunk)
1 polished crystal (e.g tower, pyramid, obelisk)
1 holographic sticker
1 mystery gift

Educational Information Included

Retail Value: $50

Price: $19.99 + $3.49 (shipping)
Your savings: ~$35


Crystal Lover Box

$39.99 / month

$31.99 / month (20% OFF)

2 raw crystals (rough cluster, rough chunk)
2 polished crystal (e.g tower, pyramid, obelisk)
2 holographic sticker
2 mystery gifts

- Educational information included

- FREE crystal jewelry piece (like pendant)

Retail Value: $100

Price: $39.99 (free shipping)
Your savings: ~$68


Crystal Collector Box

$69.99 / month

$55.99 / month (20% OFF)

3 raw crystals (rough cluster, rough chunk)
3 polished crystals (e.g tower, pyramid, obelisk)
3 holographic stickers
3 mystery gifts
(generally larger items)
- Educational information included

- 2 FREE crystal jewelry pieces (like pendant)

Retail value of items: $180

Price: $55.99 (free shipping)
Your savings: ~$120


Our Supporters